A New Era—Part 1

HPIM0054.JPG [This historical timeline of Lorna’s life is continued from A New Companion. The entire series begins in Childhood.] “Seriously, Boo, I feel like we are stuck in a rut…Could we see what we can do?” Friday, October 20, 2006 8:10 p.m. Ready to Grow I take another sip of coffee while Lorna continues scanning (more…)

A New Companion

[This historical timeline of Lorna’s life is continued from Reaching the Pinnacle—Part 2. The entire series begins in Childhood.] The incident is past and calm has been restored. But now we have with us a new companion, a constant and unwelcome one. Monday, September 19, 2005 Exploration Emerging from the hotel we step (more…)