
[This historical timeline of Lorna’s life is continued from “Stay Faithful!” The entire series begins in Childhood.] It won’t be long now. Tuesday, May 22, 3rd Year of the Second Phase, PA* * (Post-Armageddon) Gathering Dawn broke this morning in a brilliant fiery-hued sunrise. Now the morning sunlight streams down around us. A (more…)

Book Update VII

Announcement: The book is now available for download. The book distribution is nearing its finale. Within the next few days the final copies will be distributed. I am happy to announce that the first electronic version is available as a free download. After logging in, click on the link at (more…)

Observations II

Lorna contemplating the sunset over the Caribbean Sea. This blog has been published for over two years now. In that time, I have posted much about Lorna, her life, and her personality. But you, dear readers, have added to and illuminated those posts with your own insightful comments. Just over (more…)

A Field Service Experience—from Lorna

Everyone likes to hear a good field service experience. Lorna and I met in Canada in 1983. (See How We Met (Unofficial Version).) Once she returned to England and I to Ohio there ensued nearly a year of correspondence before I would traverse the 3,000 mile gap between us and (more…)

Book Progress Update IV

Photo of the actual books at my house showing all three covers. I am happy to report that the proof copies have arrived. How wonderful it is to finally see Lorna’s beautiful story in print! Proofreading and final edit have already begun. This leaves just a few short weeks before (more…)

A New Theme

I hope you enjoy this new theme. This blog has been redesigned to make it more up-to-date. The new design is simple, clean, and easy to read. Why the change? I wanted to make the experience of reading this blog more akin to that of reading the upcoming book. I (more…)