
She picks up the telephone handset and begins pressing its button, a faint smile clearly discernable. There is a hint of gleeful anticipation in her movements. Raising her teacup to her lips, Lorna gently sips the piping hot contents. Then she places the cup back on the tray. Deftly she (more…)

The Little Circus

“Neither the tent nor the trucks are what have garnered Lorna’s fascinated stare. She is looking in just one location.” “Oh, Jay. Look!” Lorna’s exclamation had been preceded by a brief breath of excitement and surprise. Instinctively she placed her hand over her mouth as her eyes gazed fixedly through (more…)

Enemy Light

“A thought occurs to me. Why did Lorna use this particular phrase for a mechanical contraption?” As usual, we are running just a bit behind schedule. We should be leaving the house about now for our midweek meeting. But Lorna is still in the bathroom. She is fully dressed, but (more…)

The Opera Singer

Lorna stands erect, shifts her gaze toward the ceiling, and assumes a regal pose…Whatever she has decided to do, it is going to be good. It has been a busy week. Lorna has diligently followed her routine of field service, rising early each day and working into the late afternoon (more…)

Cobra the Snake

She continues to arch her claws and slowly circle me, that “evil”—yet sweet—expression still showing on her face. Scrolling through an article on the computer screen in front of me, I scan another paragraph. Before me on the computer desk lies a printed outline for a discourse, the next public (more…)

Cuckoo Eyes

From long experience I know that of the various circumstances that can thin her patience to the straining point, this is one of those circumstances. Aromas, both sweet and pungent, fill the room and tantalize the palette. Lorna, dressed in a loose white cotton top and a woven skirt stands (more…)