Lorna’s Music—Part 4

[This post is part of a series which examines some of Lorna’s favorite songs and what they mean to her and to us. You can find all of these posts by viewing the Music Category.] The candles flicker as the fragrant aromas of simmering dishes fill the air. Yet something is (more…)

Lorna’s Music—Part 1

[This post is a the first in a series which examines some of Lorna’s favorite songs and what they mean to her and to us. You can find all of these posts by viewing the Music Category.] https://www.ilovelorna.info//wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Cheryl-Lynn-Got-To-Be-Real-Intro-Riff.mp3 Lorna’s dance song Lorna loves to dance. Sometimes, when she is really excited and happy (more…)